Work Experience

because I did more than teach and publish

Selected Research Positions

  • Research Intern @Apple (summer 2024): NLP safety stuff
  • Research Intern @EPFL NLP (summer 2023): created a benchmark dataset & investigated gender & racial bias + misinformation as a consequence of model weight editing.
  • Research Partner @Radcliffe Institute (2021 - 2022): visualized relationships across semi-structured natural language documents under Prof. Elena Glassman.
    • Extended into joint CS-History senior thesis, co-advised with Prof. Cemal Kafadar, (first CS + History thesis from Harvard, I think!) submitted March 2023.
    • Thesis title: “Woven into War: Digital Humanities and Sephardi Women in the Late Ottoman Empire and its Diaspora, 1908 - 1945.”
    • Built OverTexthistory, a tool for historians to make side-by-side sentence-level comparisons of groups of primary sources.
  • Research Partner @Radcliffe Institute (2019 - 2020): investigated novel methods of evaluating multilingual word embeddings under Dr. Damián Blasi.
  • Research Intern @Raytheon BBN (summer 2020): experimented with COVID-related biomedical named entity recognition for news articles as part of DARPA’s AIDA project.
  • Research Intern @Affectiva (summer 2018): tried to use speech and facial cues to detect human frustration. Failed but built a GIPHY scraper which was cool.

Software Engineering Internships

  • Tableau (a Salesforce company, summer 2022): prototyped a centralized server resource management service in Java that improved resource (memory & CPU) monitoring efficiency from O(N^2) to O(N).
  • Microsoft (summer 2021): built a command-line app to partially automate the prioritization and triaging of bugs for the team that gets your “Report” notifications when Windows crashes.
  • Bloomberg (summer 2019): built a Bloomberg Terminal app that recommends photos for photo editors to incorporate into Bloomberg news articles.

Other Research(-ish) Stuff

  • Class projects in Computer Science:
    • A failed attempt at using transfer learning from Chinese character embeddings to improve Japanese word embeddings (CS 287 - Deep Learning for NLP, fall 2021).
    • An in-progress attempt at data augmentation for algorithmic fairness (CS 226R - Topics in Theory for Society, spring 2022).
  • Class projects in History:
    • “Autism and Emotion in the Public Eye, 1943 - 2019”: a historical investigation of public perceptions of emotions and emotionality associated with autism from 1943 to 2019 (Hist 12P - History of Emotions, spring 2022).
    • “Colonial Communication: The Telegraph and the Cheyenne People”: an exploration of how the construction of the telegraph around present-day Colorado impacted the Cheyenne people from 1860 - 1871 (Hist 60O - American Indian History in 4 Acts, fall 2021).
  • Tech Officer for Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s Student Advisory Board (fall 2017-spring 2019): wrote policy proposals for bilingual education and regulating personal data acquisition, sitting somewhere in the Library of Congress. Learned what a categorical grant was and answered a question about it on the spot at the 2019 Modeling the Future Challenge (won 1st place).
  • Research Fellow @AI4ALL (spring 2018): built a multi-label toxic text classifier for English Wikipedia comments.

Volunteer Work


  • Started and organized a high school NLP hackathon (2018 & 2019, possibly some sort of first?) and conference (2017).
  • Launched and wrote curriculum for a network of computational linguistics clubs.
  • Started and keep running a blog, email newsletter, and resource page for NLP-related stuff.
  • Returned in 2D form to judge hackathons, advise new hackathon directors, teach workshops, recruit event staff, talk on panels, & send people club curricula.

So-Called Academic Service

  • Organizing NLP-related events
  • Reviewing for conferences & workshops
    • Human-Centered LLMs Workshop at ACL 2024
    • LREC-COLING 2024
    • EACL 2023
    • EMNLP 2022
  • Mentoring
    • CMU SCS Graduate Application Support Program Mentor
    • Harvard WiCS Alumni Mentor
    • (in undergrad) Harvard CS Department Peer Concentration Advisor
    • (in undergrad) Harvard History Leadership Council member


  • Developed workshops on machine learning, artificial intelligence, & natural language processing for middle school girls.

Phillips Brooks House Association